Monday, July 9, 2012


So, just to keep you guys in the loop.  My doctor had blood taken to run several tests. They all came back clear. 
Praise the Lord!  He did a big work in my heart the week that they took the blood.  I was at a place where I was wanting the doctors (mine or Luke's) to find something wrong so that we could get it fixed and be done with this season.  (It's kinda scary to think about this now.)  Through a series of fantastic conversations with Luke and some of the women that God has surrounded me with, He showed me that I'm still not letting go & trusting Him.  I ended up finishing that week with a statement to Luke: "I'm ready to not have an answer, to really let go and struggle well.  I don't want to take any of the fertility medications they mentioned, b/c I know I'd be doing it just to feel in control."
I feel like we took the medically responsible route, and that's the only part that I need to do. 

So, in case you haven't guessed yet, all of the tests came back at normal levels.  And now I can really say "Praise the Lord" and mean it!  Thank you my gracious God!!
Thank you all for your prayers!  We are truly blessed by you!


Rebecca said...

We're praying for you both. I am so encouraged by the route you guys are taking and continue to pray that regardless of the outcome, God will use you and your testimony in life changing ways!